Thursday, July 07, 2005

Salsa and Samba

Last night I went dancing: the tango and the salsa at the Waikiki in Ipswich. Marvellous bunch of people, we had great fun, even though I'm still not sure I have mastered the basic footsteps. When someone suggests it is left forward, right forward, left back, right back, tap then... Ok, let's just say I get confused.

Tonight it's samba! The Samba Band - you can see a video of them in action at Felixstowe TV. Should be plenty of fun and action. The local Ipswich band is playing, accompanied by a band from Norwich, perhaps 100 drummers on stage at the Regent, Ipswich. (Aren't they planning to close that place? If so they could all come to the Spa Pavilion).

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My world has just collapsed. I've held the domian licence for since 1997, renewing it successfully in 1999, 2001, 2003 but now in 2005 an administrative error (not mine) has meant that Jason Wright, of 53 Thetford Close, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG5 6PH England, telephone number +44 (0)115 9204638 has gained possession.

He did so using a watchlist provided at

Having spent eight years of my life building and working 16 hours a day on this site it is frustrating, to say the least, to have it taken away for no good reason.