Friday, April 29, 2005


It's the May Day Bank holiday this weekend. Beltaine was (is) an ancient celebration of the coming summer that brought together the Horned God with the Goddess. It is an exciting time of the year, as the world springs to life, bringing promise of the joys to come.

Life is starting the process of renewal, as plants shoot skyward and all creatures feel the urge to mate.

Some celebrate by lighting great fires - now frowned upon by those very same Health & Safety officials I was complaining about recently - then folk leapt through the fires to honour the fertility god Belenos.

Our coastline is slowly eroding, so the Environment Agency response is to import rocks from Norway: they are incongruous lumps along the soft Suffolk shore, but they know best. The latest wizard wheeze is to fence off these rocks, because someone may climb upon them, and perhaps fall and hurt themselves.

A plan has been submitted to fence off the entire coastline of Cornwall and much of Wales and Scotland for the same reasons. We cannot allow our populace to face such dangers.

The Maypole has fallen out of favour in recent years, but it really is great fun, weaving the ribbon strands together and then out again. The pole and the strands are symbolic (back to sex again) so that maybe it is no longer considered suitable.

This is the time to fertilise your dreams. Rumour has it that children conceived at this time are the gift of the gods They were known as Merry-be-Gots.

Go to it: this is a time for riotous behaviour. Kiss a health & safety officer today.


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