Thursday, April 07, 2005


Poor old Charles. His wedding has been pushed aside so that the great and not so good he invited can instead go to Rome for the Pope's funeral. Hopefully when his turn comes round on Saturday all will flow well, and he will finally be united with the woman who has played such a large parge in his life for so many years.

Once the dust settles I'd like the Queen to take a break, allow Charles to take over as monarch and enjoy her retirement. It could be argued that the prospect of not being at the centre of power would deprive her of the wish to live. She should spend time showing her offspring how it is done, after all she has as much experience as anyone.

It's vitally important that Prince Charles is considered fit to be King when his time comes. The prospect of President Thatcher, or any one of the other second-grade people who rule our country, fills me with dread. Prince Charles will go down well in history, whatever the media choose to say of him today. He has done so much over the years, with the Princes Trust, his association with many environmental causes and his knowledge about so much. Perhaps living with Camilla will give him more confidence, to knock back at those who try to find a reason, any reason, to attack him.

His recent outburst against a BBC reporter is to be applauded, we need to hear more like that from him, and the media may well be surprised at how much support he will receive.

May the happy couple enjoy their lives together.


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