Thursday, April 28, 2005


It's now called Morrisons, following a takeover, but there was a supermarket known as Safeways.

I was sitting outside a Safeways, idly watching and listening the world, when I saw a small man with his large wife talking to a member of Safeway staff. It prompted the following:

The Safeway

Crook shanks buys his boots in Crooked Lane
His legs grew at night, not seeing where to grow
He stands in the aisle smiling at the girl with mane
black hair as hands on hips he says hello
Taking a rest from the tills are you?
Once a scoundrel, a curber, a sting
Now a fidget in a pork pie hat and waistcoat
A rantallion yet he's still in need of a carvel ring
to act as a moat
rantipole wife stands by, arms folded
knowing he had wept the tears of charren
large and fat as he was thin, she could have scolded
instead she smiled and shook her head
paying no chummage in her marital bed
No customer services she said
I'll have some of that he whooped

It was fun at the time.


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